Uncovering Greatness Uncategorized Make Money Or Make Sense

Make Money Or Make Sense

Make Money or Make Sense

In 2016, I had an incredible opportunity to spend three days in an exclusive event with 100 other entrepreneurs learning from Robert Kiyosaki, and his Rich Dad Advisors. Of the many things I learned, there was one statement that Robert made that was profound. 

As an entrepreneur, as a business you can “Make MONEY or You can Make SENSE”. You can’t do both. They are mutually exclusive. 

You see when you focus on making Money you stop thinking about how you can benefit others, how you can add value to society, how you can make a difference in the world. When you focus only on Money, you focus only on yourself. 

When you decide to make Sense, you will do things that benefit others, benefit society, and benefit the world. When you add value to others, when you make a difference you will make Money. When what you are offering makes sense to others, they will want what you are offering. 

Money is not hard to make. Quite simply to make money you need to find a product, service, or have some knowledge that you can SELL to generate money. Making money comes from being able to SELL. Sell something in return for money and you make money. Simple.

Making Sense however is different. Making Sense involves integrity, passion, authenticity, commitment. Making sense involves many things bigger than yourself. Making sense involves finding and pursuing a Mission, a mission to make a difference. Making sense involves building a Team who are on a Mission to make sense, to make a difference. 

Are you focused on making SENSE? When what you do makes sense, you will make money. It will naturally come.

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