We operate by a set of Rules, a set of Rules we call a Code of Honour.These 11 Rules determine how we Behave in our Business and our Life.
While we are not the biggest training company in Africa, we believe we are one of the most effective. We take pride in being the market leaders in Experiential training, All our training programs are focused on being Real. We do what we Teach!!We are irreverent, there is no space for sugar coating discussions about business and life. We don't do Bu!!$h!&....We are Real and Honest, we aren't afraid to speak about our own wins, losses, and lessons. By showing our own humanity, we show that anyone willing to take the steps can be successful.We make it Safe, without being indulgent. We have Fun, because learning without Fun is just another lecture......and who needs that.We specialise in Sales, Money, Business, and Mindset.
Some words that explain our team...
A little bit about each one of us...
"The Agitator" Lead Teacher
"Mindset Magician"She Gets You out of The Way of You
"The Social Connector"Social Media & Marketing Guru
"Sales Baby"Sales & Event Master
"The Important sh!$"Accounting, Money, Finance
Sample Text
Barry is a High Energy, interactive, experiential trainer, who has Inspired tens of thousands of Entrepreneurs in Africa, and around the world to be successful so that they can make a difference. He is the founder of Uncovering Greatness & The Greatness University. A Salesman & Entrepreneur for over 25 years, with a focus on Sales, Entrepreneurship & Personal Development. He has a passion to help people change where they are at. His Mission is to Equip Entrepreneurs & Businesses with the mindsets and skills to create a World that will change the economic foundation for all. He has a motto of Sales is a life skill, not a skill just for Sales Reps & Sales Executives. People don't need to settle for 2nd best, and by learning how to sell & communicate well to themselves & others, they can achieve more for themselves & others. His training programs help people break through the barriers that are keeping them from having a life that they desire, t​he Income they desire, the business they desire, and Ultimately the Results they desire. As an entrepreneur, he owns a number of his own businesses in the Training, Personal, & Entrepreneurial development spaces aswell as In the Food and Health Industries.. Over the past 1 1/2 decades, he has taught 10’s of 1000’s of Entrepreneurs Globally, developing businesses and individuals, & working with businesses from start up to multibillion Rand organisations. Some of his clients include Coca Cola, Paratus, Tiger Wheel & Tyre, Sanofi, Cipla, Easi8, Novo Energy, VOX, Neotel, Standard Bank, Ferminore, Entrepreneur.co.za, to name a few. He partners with world renowned Sales, Business Team & Leadership expert, Rich Dad Advisor, Blair Singer. Barry is the lead trainer for Rich Dad Blair Singer in Africa & Robert Kiyosaki’s training representative in South Africa & Africa. He has extensive experience in training the Kiyosaki methodologies to Wealth, Business, & Entrepreneurship. Barry is an engaging, exciting, Teacher, who openly shares his knowledge, failures, successes & experience with his audiences.
​​Over the past 5 years, Nicole has helped 100's of individuals and Teams work through the mental blocks that stop them from BEING More, HAVING More and DOING More. As Africa's, and one of the World's most accomplished and successful Processsors, Nicole can help you get you out of the way of you by working one on one with you and your team. She teaches and trains individuals to become Bigger, Better, and Greater than they knew they could be. Her Life Improvement Analysis process allows any Individaual to eastablish a very clear Baseline on where they are at in their life, in the moment. Through a number of Training programs, she has equipped many people to HAVE a much Bigger and Better Life and Business..... A waken Your Greatness is a 3-hour program where she helps you get focused on WHO you are and helps you Discover where you are in this exact moment in time. She equips people with you tools thatthey can use on a daily basis to help them stay in a positive mood more often so they can have a lot more of what they want. Get you out of the Way of You is an Intensive two-day program that equips delegates with Practical, Implementable tools so they can BE more, DO more and HAVE more after 2 Days. Nicole teaches people how to Play a Much Bigger Game, and then How to Maintain the Wins experienced in that Game....... With these tools you can help yourself, help your staff, clients, friends and family to do the same. You will learn to shift your mindset into a more positive space in a few seconds and help others to do the same.
​​​Michaela has 2 roles at Uncovering Greatness. 1. She Mnaages Barry and his diary. 2. She focuses on SALES for the UG team. She is responsible for Filling and Running our rooms for 3 of our Key Programs..... 1. CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE - This is a weekly Entrpreneurial Breakfast that we run 50 weeks a year, every Thursday in Edenvale, Johannesburg. 2. The CASHFLOW GAME Day - This is a morning 1/2 Day Program that runs once a month on a Saturday Morning. Here you can Learn from Barry as he takes you through what he has learned over the years as one of Robert Kiyosaki's lead trainiers. Come learn, have Fun, and Play the CashFlow Game. 3. THE SALES EXPLOSION - This is UNCOVERING GREATNESSES flagship SALES program. Connect with Michaela and she will make sure that we help you in the right way.
​​​​ For over 12 years my team and I have specialised in supporting small and medium sized business owners with their compliance & tax requirements. We take care of everything from company registrations, SARS Registrations & Tax returns, Payroll, Financial Statements etc. We have a huge understanding of the journey of the entrepreneur.
​​​​ ​My role at uncovering greatness is to utilize my social media skills to serve, maintain and grow our community online as well as communicate upcoming events that we provide
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