Sales Is Simple Process

SALES is a simple process

Have you noticed that when you set up a process or a system in your life or business, it often allows you to achieve greater results and operate a lot more efficiently? The same applies for franchising. The power of franchising is based on the development and duplicability of a tried and tested system. Generally the best franchise organisations do well for the strength of their systems and not always because they have the best product. 

In Sales, the power of a process or a system is also critical if you are looking to achieve success. When you follow a tried and tested sales process, your results explode.  

Below is what we call the 6 Step Sales Process. Yes, 6 simple steps that if learnt and implemented, I guarantee that you will dramatically explode your sales and income.

  • Find Customers – get clear on who your potential customers are. Why they buy your product and service. Why they deal with you. How they buy. Then draw up a list, as big as possible, of potential customers.

  • Approach & Contact – Pick up the phone, send an email, do a cold call, whatever it is you need to connect with the people or companies on your list. If you don’t, it’s just a list on a wall. Take action.

  • Pitch / Present – Once you have made contact you need to set up an appointment and get in front of them. You will need to be clear on how to connect with them quickly and importantly how to connect with them in their world. The more people you connect with and get in front of the greater the chance you have of making a sale.

  • No to a Yes – People will object. Customers will object. If they don’t then be worried. How you handle their objections will determine how successful you will be. Sales is not about convincing it is all about handling objections and pivoting you prospective client from a no to a yes.

  • Close – Get the money in the bank. If you don’t it’s charity. Good salespeople are good closers. Ask for the deal. Get the deal. As Alec Baldwin says in Glengarry Glen Ross, “Get them to sign on the dotted line”. Make sure you deliver on your promise.

  • Follow Up – Keep them in your world. And stay in there world. Keep adding value and building the relationships. From there you will be able to drive referrals and testimonials. When you get referrals and testimonials you have started at the top of the process… You have found Customers.

Follow the process. Learn the skills. And Take Action!

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